Monday, April 27, 2009
Let's Link Ourselves back Together and make a Reputation worth Living For
This picture shows different people in different clothes and different religions and different habitats with linked hands, around Earth. This is kind of a sign of peace and unity in the world. It also signifies how life in the relationship of living together on Earth could be a much simpler one. It could be as simple as holding hands and watching a moonlit, star-filled sky, and all of us helping to clean the messes we've made in the world.
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Combination of Elements that Created Me
Hum 1 Whiting
I am the wagging of a puppy's tail, with a willingness to please, and the spirit of a joker.
I am the lone howl of the wolf, hunting answers to the questions I find myself asking.
I am the twitching of a rabbit's nose, sensitive and alert, feeling the vibrations of the surrounding mood, sensing the right moment to flee.
I am the gallop of the horse's legs, guiding him victoriously to the finish, fast and swift, always graceful.
I am the ocean, a rich blue, dark secret as you journey into my depths.
I am the golden sand of the dunes of a desert, whipping the bodies of the tired and hungry forward.
I am the heart of a green forest, hidden, yet centered.
I am the light sky, bright and shining, occasionally cloudy with the chance of storms.
I am myself, the individual human, a concoction of elements to create one like no other.
Pictures!!I chose this picture because it represents two things- the animal side and the natural side. This picture puts description into images of the howling, lone wolf and how it represents individuality. The natural part of this painting is the forest, and how in pictures, it is always centered around something, even though that something is in the midst of the forest, basically at a rather random point in the forest. Lastly, this image gives you an image of what individuality could be pictured as.
This painting is a perfect example of the bunny line in my poem. It shows almost exactly what the metaphor explains- a bunny, alert, a peaceful-looking place that could fume up into flames any second.
This painting is of the flying of the horse's legs- the line was meant to sound like that of a famously fast racehorse.
Hum 1 Whiting
Human Reactions
This world expects too many of the people in it to be the same on the inside as the outside. Plenty never realize the wrongness of such thoughts. You cannot judge someone according to what they look like or where they’re from. There are many samples of truth that can prove so.
As the crowd waiting behind the judges in the show “Britain’s got Talent” found this one contestant walk out onto the stage, they laughed out of amusement. The judges looked rather doubtful, and no one respected her the way people should, with body language, tone of voice, or attitude. ‘Surely a 47-year-old woman who looked none more than a grandmother in a book could own a voice passable?’ was probably the thoughts in many people’s minds. But the supposedly predictable outcome was cast away after the performance.
As well as this, there are people with perfectly normal jobs, no real profession, and the life of the average person, like Paul Potts, a mobile phone seller, who turned out to win “Britain’s got Talent” one year with his breathtaking opera.
This comes to the conclusion that many people who have big dreams can never reach their goal, because of the way they look, or how they talk, or any specific thing that makes them seem dim-witted or unimportant. This should never be so. Any person should get the chance to do anything, no matter the size, the outer look, the religion, or anything else. After all, should it not be that those with the stronger courage, those with the mightier spirits and those with the more
willing hearts should not be rewarded with what they aimed for?
These iphones could be represented as how the people in the US used to treat colored-skin vs white-skinned. They were treated in an opposite way. White-skinned people were treated very respectfully, and were considered normal or high ranking people. The color-skinned people were treated in the opposite manner- they were treated like slaves, as was their ranking too. White people and black people were always 'separated' in the manner that bathrooms and water fountains were separated by skin color, and color-skinned people sat in the back of buses, while white-skinned people sat in the front, and if there was no more room to sit on the bus for a white person, then a color-skinned person had to give up their seat for the white person. The colors white and black are thretty much the same colors of how people were divided in the US at that time, and these two opposing colors could also be divided into how people are treated today. The black iphone would represent those who are judged how Susan Boyle was, those who are not encouraged to live up to their dreams, those who seem to old or too religious or too fat to be ableto do what they want to. The white people are the rest, in other words, they could be called the normal people, those who can live up to their dreams, or the judgers themselves. This image is an example of how we categorize people, and how we judge them. This way of treating people is almost the same as how Americans used to judge people by their skin tone, except that it's WORSE.