Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Chain of Friends


Friendship prances along the path,
Bundled with jingle bells and red roses,
Keeping close to love.

Friendship is what brings people together, and allows them to learn from one another, and to see the others' mistakes, so they might be fixed. In The Alchemist, friendship constantly reappears in the text as you read along. Santiago and the Alchemist are friends in a more teacher to student way, while him and Fatima become friends in a more husband to wife way. Friendship comes in many forms, as would shoes or houses or pets. In the book, Coelho gives the speculation that friends can become of anyone, anywhere; you don't need to know the same language, nor be the same religion. Friendship is gained by communicating with positive body language, and a good attitude. A man without friendship is a man who does not know the meaning of life, and The Alchemist uses this to build Santiago's character, as well as other people's in the novel. Friendship brings people love and happiness, and is what links humans to one another, so it is best to be used as best as possible, and not mistreat it.

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