Sunday, March 28, 2010

Struggle for Life - Help

SLR Reflection

Think Creatively!
I think that I did a creative way of portraying what I thought was a crutial theme in the lives and experiences of the Lost Boys. I used colored themes to provoke in the audience the emotions and knowledge of what the refugee boys were going through, and how everything was so completely different for them. The dramatic differ in atmospheres is very overwhelming, and attributes to the rest of the difficulties the Lost Boys face in their lives, such as discrimination, new, alien food storages and vehicles, and other.

Reason Critically!
The images and text in my collage portray a fair depth of the understanding of the Lost Boys' situation. My texts gave ideas of hopelessness and undeniable pain, and sadness. The Lost Boys are forced to scatter all over the place, lonely and without protection, because of civil war, and get killed by heat, animals, guns/other weapons, or something else. Some are transported to America, and hardly successfully manage to live a healthy life.

Communicate Effectively!
My collage explains in itself how families and friends are not able to stay together, as one, and how the people are and feel very, very isolated. It displays some of the cultural lifestyle which the Lost Boys used to live by, to be aware of what the Lost Boys lost in their new, American lifestyle. You can see that some of the people do not even have as much, but struggle to even find such things. My collage also shows the heat many have had to suffer through, whilst trying to find refuge.

Live Ethically!
Some of the images in my collage are rather heart-breaking to see. There are helpless, confused infants, suffering, slowly dying boys, and overall there is a very vivid image of depression and struggle for life. I know, at least, that if I saw this, I'd definitely want to help the Boys, and spread their life's experiences, and hopefully others would too.

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