Friday, October 9, 2009

Ideas of the Renaissance Men

Leonardo Da Vinci, mostly known as a scientist and artist, was the example of a true Renaissance Man. He rediscovered things which had not been looked into since the Roman Empire, and dared to go past the boundaries of what was legal to research during the Renaissance. Da Vinci, like most others during his time, was very adventurous with his work. He re-explored and refined the ideas and knowledge of the Ancient, turning them for the best of his use. He worked at things such as making devises for man to fly, and created the sketches first hot air balloon, which, after recent trials, proved to actually work, to many people's surprise. Da Vinci also created many great, powerful tools for warfare, though, according to pages of his diary, he himself was rather displeased with all that had to do with war. This man is truly classified as one of the Renaissance, and affected those of his time greatly. Leonardo Da Vinci is today known all around the world, and it is through some of his discoveries that we have been able to enhance our own.

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