Monday, November 23, 2009

The School of Athens

Art is often very much a reflection of society, and people can learn a lot about their history by studying art from times such as the Renaissance. Sculptures, architecture, and specifically paintings show people's lifestyles and traditions, and in a beautifully crafted painting you are able to break it apart and see something about the society of the people in every piece. In paintings with people in them, you can see what they do, the way they act, their overall mood (serious, joyous, etc), their social rankings and what they surround themselves with (art, educational, etc.). An exemplar painting of this is the Renaissance painting 'The School of Athens'. In it, you notice that the people are wearing bright but soft colored 'togas'. Most appear to be working on educational subjects - as you can see Euclid showing his students something using a compass, as well as, above Euclid, Ptolemy, a famous mathematician, astronomer, astrologer and geographer, with a globe in his arms. Everyone is working on some form of education. All this presents the atmosphere of a busy, serious, educational environment. The architecture of the painting is Roman, with added sculptures of Athena, god of wisdom (right) and Apollo, god of the Sun (left). These all represent the culture and time period of the painting, and the people in the painting. In general, it is often that you will find, in art, at least a hint of what society was like in the time period the work of art was constructed. Without art, people may not have learned as much about their history as they know now

I believe that I would make the character of Apollo in The School of Athens. Apollo is a Greek and Roman god, recognized as being a god for many things; light and the sun, truth and prophesy, archery, medicine and healing, music, poetry, and more. In personality I consider myself to be truthful, respectful and generally a bright, happy person. I've always had the comfort of being mostly healthy, and always loved music, and most things that have rhythm to them. Apollo always controlled the health of people (good or bad), and is associated with dominion. He is never the one to be influenced, for he is the one influencing people. In ways, I am alike. I do not control other people, for I am normally pieceful, but I am never commanded by other people if I do not wish to be; I'm a very independent person. He was also protective of what was his, and I am defensive of some of my belongings. Though he has traits which do not coincide with mine, Apollo and I are in various ways alike.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ideas of the Renaissance Men

Leonardo Da Vinci, mostly known as a scientist and artist, was the example of a true Renaissance Man. He rediscovered things which had not been looked into since the Roman Empire, and dared to go past the boundaries of what was legal to research during the Renaissance. Da Vinci, like most others during his time, was very adventurous with his work. He re-explored and refined the ideas and knowledge of the Ancient, turning them for the best of his use. He worked at things such as making devises for man to fly, and created the sketches first hot air balloon, which, after recent trials, proved to actually work, to many people's surprise. Da Vinci also created many great, powerful tools for warfare, though, according to pages of his diary, he himself was rather displeased with all that had to do with war. This man is truly classified as one of the Renaissance, and affected those of his time greatly. Leonardo Da Vinci is today known all around the world, and it is through some of his discoveries that we have been able to enhance our own.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't be Intimidated by Others' Judgement

Dream Variations by Langston Hughes

To fling my arms wide
In some place of the sun,
To whirl and to dance
Till the white day is done.
Then rest at cool evening
Beneath a tall tree
While night comes on gently,
Dark like me-
That is my dream!

To fling my arms wide
In the face of the sun,
Dance! Whirl! Whirl!
Till the quick day is done.
Rest at pale evening...
A tall, slim tree...
Night coming tenderly
Black like me.

"Dream Variations," by Langston Hues represents judgement, and how it can fade into the background if thrown away into the back of the brain. This is precisely what the man in the poem has done. He lives his life carefree, and cares not for the complications of the lives and impressions of others. This poem is the story of a black man in a white man's world, and how he learns to live with them, yet not near them at all. During the day, he lives in the white man's world, and enjoys every moment of it, as he does not see nor acknowledge those around him. And during the night, he settles into the darkness around him, and enjoys the undisturbed silence of the night. "Dream Variations," is an exemplary model of a carefree life, and how, in your mind, it neutralizes judgement. Judgement may never be eliminated, however, even if it is so, we can learn to ignore it, and to live our own lives in a peaceful, joyous manner.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Chain of Friends


Friendship prances along the path,
Bundled with jingle bells and red roses,
Keeping close to love.

Friendship is what brings people together, and allows them to learn from one another, and to see the others' mistakes, so they might be fixed. In The Alchemist, friendship constantly reappears in the text as you read along. Santiago and the Alchemist are friends in a more teacher to student way, while him and Fatima become friends in a more husband to wife way. Friendship comes in many forms, as would shoes or houses or pets. In the book, Coelho gives the speculation that friends can become of anyone, anywhere; you don't need to know the same language, nor be the same religion. Friendship is gained by communicating with positive body language, and a good attitude. A man without friendship is a man who does not know the meaning of life, and The Alchemist uses this to build Santiago's character, as well as other people's in the novel. Friendship brings people love and happiness, and is what links humans to one another, so it is best to be used as best as possible, and not mistreat it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

See the Excellence in Everything

The Power of Choices
“The boy reached through to the Soul of the World, and he saw that the Soul of the World was his own soul. And, that he, a boy, could perform miracles.” (Coelho p145) A boy in search of a treasure, Santiago, the main character in the book The Alchemist, uses guidance from nearly everyone within sight of his path, to haul himself to the finish-line of his journey. The knowledge of all those around him teach Santiago how miracles, such as turning himself into wind in the Sahara Desert, can become, of an innocent, down-to-earth shepherd traveling with his beloved charges, in the Andalusian countryside. To find miracles in life, however, and find it so lovable, a man must face the hardships of life, and, through experience, gain the wisdom of one who can already become one with Earth and find omens during every walk in the abandoned desert. Using his best features, observance, courage, and realization, Santiago makes a challenging but satisfying journey through life.

An observant boy makes his way along the desert, thinking, what new and interesting experiences will I find today? One who isn’t observant looks at the path leading into the desert, thinking, here comes another harsh day of hardships. Santiago is lucky to have the trait of observance. In the marketplace, Santiago loses track of his so called ‘friends and guides’ who had all his money. He now has absolutely nothing. That night he sleeps on the hard ground. The next day, the owner of a candy store starts to set up his stall. Santiago comes to help, and soon afterwards finds that, though neither knows the other’s language, both communicate to each other quite well, and manage the work with a smile. Santiago, in this side-path, learns the Language of the World. “He watched the hawks as they drifted on the wind. Although their flight appeared to have no pattern, it made a certain kind of sense to the boy. It was just that he couldn’t grasp what it meant…Suddenly, one of the hawks made a flashing dive… As it did so, a sudden, fleeting image came to the boy.” (Coelho p95) It is in this quote that the trait of observance may be realized. Santiago does not uncover the vision the hawks foretold by glancing at them, or being drawn in by them. To see what is in front of them, one must observe open-mindedly what lays about them, even things which seem not to have any significance to the world. The significance, after all, of just a beetle, scurrying across the ground where Santiago’s tear had fallen, is all Santiago needs to notice. Just that scarab beetle gives him the thought that the spot must be sacred. This was the spot Santiago digs for his treasure. Many times observance saves his life, or his aching mind, and gives Santiago strength and courage to move forward.

To reach, one’s destiny, they must persevere, time and time again, and never give up. Sometimes, persistence means having the courage to do the unexpected, or the dangerous. In his former life as a shepherd, Santiago has an unanticipated meeting with King Melchizedek of Salem, which changes everything in his life. He must choose between everything he’s ever had or known in his life, or the choice to go to a new land, with nothing more than a bag with few possessions and a dream and omens to guide him. Knowing, of course, which choice would be following his destiny, and his dreams, Santiago makes use of the courage within him, and takes a chance with the less-trodden path. Another courageous moment is at the merchant’s shop. It has been almost a year of cleaning crystals and windows. Now Santiago has, at last, the money to either travel back to Andalusia and start the same life over again, or to take a caravan across the desert to Egypt, and his true destiny. After the incident at the marketplace, Santiago seems to have gotten rather cautious of his choices, and thinks he knows what may be best for him. As he packs, he finds Urim and Thummim, his gifts from the King. As he remembers the words of the wise Melchizedek, some surge of courage brings him to a new decision – he will travel onwards, and won’t stop at a single twist. “ ‘Who dares to read the meaning of the flight of the hawks?’ he demanded, so loudly that his words seemed to echo through the fifty thousand palm trees of Al-Fayoum …’It is I who dared to do so,’ Santiago repeated, and he lowered his head to receive a blow from the sword. ‘Many lives will be saved, because I was able to see through to the Soul of the World.’ “ (Coelho p104-105) This test, set up by the alchemist himself, is a perfect model of Santiago. He illustrates in this quote the good use he makes of courageousness – he stands up for his values, and does not fear that of which many men flee from, ear-piercing screeches gushing from their mouths. It is with courage, and understanding, with which Santiago faces the World and its many wonders.

To truly gain knowledge and understanding, one must come to realization of his surrounding scene, as Santiago does. At the oasis, as Santiago and the alchemist are becoming close friends, the days are coming closer to when he and the alchemist are to set out on the last leg of his journey to the Pyramids. Santiago, however, has no intentions of leaving. He has decided his destiny can stop at the oasis so as he can marry Fatima and be happy, instead of having to leave her for any length of time. However, with a bit of a foreshadowing of his future, the alchemist helps the boy to overcome his heart’s deceptive desire and come to realization of what he must finish. “The boy reached through to the Soul of the World, and he saw that the Soul of the World was his own soul. And, that he, a boy, could perform miracles.” (Coelho p145) Three days, it takes, for Santiago to come to realization of what he is, and that he can become joined together with any of those that share the same soul – the Soul of the World. However, to come to such conclusion is something which aids him thereafter as he finds other circumstances, needing help to come to realization of the outcome. After digging helplessly near the base of the Pyramids, and being abused by a group of misinformed refugees, trying to obtain riches from him, Santiago tells the leader the truth about his vain dream. They leave, but not before the leader informs Santiago about one of his dreams, and how useless it was. After hearing the refugee leader’s dream about becoming a shepherd and finding treasure near some church, Santiago realizes where his treasure was all along – it is at his life’s beginning, where he had his first glimpses of his destiny. After all, everything on Earth is just a part of a cycle, a cycle of life, and to appreciate the luck one gets in the beginning of their life, they must first experience a life of adventure and boredom, good fortune and misery.

Santiago has many situations in which he can use some of his character traits conveniently. To reach the end of his destiny, Santiago must be alert, spirited, and comprehensive. Santiago makes a remarkably tough and adventurous journey, and learns to understand more than he ever new existed. Santiago’s extensive journey, and the side-trips along with it, changed him from an absent-minded shepherd boy, to a wise, grown desert-man. Any man or woman, poor or rich, though, can reach their destiny the moment time permits them to. It is not for the existence of power to decide upon one’s voyage through life, but for the person himself.

In my life's journey, I've found many experiences to learn from, and to guide my way through life's tricky obstacles. I have made use of my open-minded nature to see the postives of this world's creations, and to understand that of which surrounds me. Every time I move, I find myself saying good-bye to some whom I may never see again in my life. Open-mindedness has brought me to see what lies beyond sad good-byes, empty houses, and starting my social life over again. I've used an open mind to find new opportunities in every new home. Furthermore, in some places I've lived in, I've used my open mind to see through the odds to a fascinating culture, amusing climate, or enchanting terrains. Open-mindedness, however, has also produced conflict in myself at times, for it occasionally provides me with a couple too many things to consider before I am able to make a decision. Travel with an open mind primarily brings a person to see his surroundings in bright, positive ways, and I have been living my life with open-mindedness, without regret.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

People and Places

My iMovie was based upon people and places. The first poem was created by me, and was divided into two sections- natural habitats and animal natures. I felt that if I were to compare myself, I couldn't really compare myself to humans or anything man-made, for I was part of that category already. I chose the poem "Mother to Son" because it was pretty clear in what it was trying to say, and was

Monday, May 11, 2009

Love has many Vines Twined round it- such as Trust and Loyalty

Molly and Emma gave me the gift of trust

This picture represents the trust of a golden retriever- the human is reassuring the retriever, while the dog trusts her. This is the best kind of relationship one can have with his/her dog-and hopefully in the future all people with have their pets' trust and use it in a responsible manner.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Let's Link Ourselves back Together and make a Reputation worth Living For

Matt Harding's wording in his poetry gave a vivid image in my head of what it was describing. The words had a flow to them, even though they didn't rhyme. The poem overall took time to figure out, yet at the same time was whole and made sense. The movie he made looked like the poem was written for it as a description, not a piece of poetry, or just a random movie. Movie and poem flowed together as does the river and its water, the bird and its wing, the tornado and its wind. The actual meaning behind movie and poem are interpreted differently by those who think differently. My point of view is that they are trying to show how Earth and all its habitants communicate. The poem is a little more general than the movie, because it describes not just humans but plants and elements of Earth too. It is probably trying to explain how we are all linked to each other, not just us humans, but us as in the whole Earth. The movie, however, describes the link between us humans, in dancing and humor. If you stand out in a crowd, you will lure people to you. In most of the first places the man in the video was alone, but as the movie came to an end, many people were joining him. This is a good way for people to come together. Another way is by relating what they know to what other people do- like dancing. Dancing is done all around the world, in many different ways and styles and costumes. But, altogether, dancing is the same, and people can link and communicate to each other using dancing. This is how the man in the video clip got people to come to him- they all related to what they knew and started dancing too- in their own style. Every person, rock, river, monkey, tree, flower, is unique and different, but at the same time everything is alike and linked to one another as well.

This picture shows different people in different clothes and different religions and different habitats with linked hands, around Earth. This is kind of a sign of peace and unity in the world. It also signifies how life in the relationship of living together on Earth could be a much simpler one. It could be as simple as holding hands and watching a moonlit, star-filled sky, and all of us helping to clean the messes we've made in the world.


Monday, April 20, 2009

The Combination of Elements that Created Me

Hum 1 Whiting


I am the wagging of a puppy's tail, with a willingness to please, and the spirit of a joker.

I am the lone howl of the wolf, hunting answers to the questions I find myself asking.

I am the twitching of a rabbit's nose, sensitive and alert, feeling the vibrations of the surrounding mood, sensing the right moment to flee.

I am the gallop of the horse's legs, guiding him victoriously to the finish, fast and swift, always graceful.

I am the ocean, a rich blue, dark secret as you journey into my depths.

I am the golden sand of the dunes of a desert, whipping the bodies of the tired and hungry forward.

I am the heart of a green forest, hidden, yet centered.

I am the light sky, bright and shining, occasionally cloudy with the chance of storms.

I am myself, the individual human, a concoction of elements to create one like no other.


I chose this picture because it represents two things- the animal side and the natural side. This picture puts description into images of the howling, lone wolf and how it represents individuality. The natural part of this painting is the forest, and how in pictures, it is always centered around something, even though that something is in the midst of the forest, basically at a rather random point in the forest. Lastly, this image gives you an image of what individuality could be pictured as.

This painting is a perfect example of the bunny line in my poem. It shows almost exactly what the metaphor explains- a bunny, alert, a peaceful-looking place that could fume up into flames any second.

This painting is of the flying of the horse's legs- the line was meant to sound like that of a famously fast racehorse.


Karolina Salin
Hum 1 Whiting
Human Reactions

This world expects too many of the people in it to be the same on the inside as the outside. Plenty never realize the wrongness of such thoughts. You cannot judge someone according to what they look like or where they’re from. There are many samples of truth that can prove so.
As the crowd waiting behind the judges in the show “Britain’s got Talent” found this one contestant walk out onto the stage, they laughed out of amusement. The judges looked rather doubtful, and no one respected her the way people should, with body language, tone of voice, or attitude. ‘Surely a 47-year-old woman who looked none more than a grandmother in a book could own a voice passable?’ was probably the thoughts in many people’s minds. But the supposedly predictable outcome was cast away after the performance.
As well as this, there are people with perfectly normal jobs, no real profession, and the life of the average person, like Paul Potts, a mobile phone seller, who turned out to win “Britain’s got Talent” one year with his breathtaking opera.
This comes to the conclusion that many people who have big dreams can never reach their goal, because of the way they look, or how they talk, or any specific thing that makes them seem dim-witted or unimportant. This should never be so. Any person should get the chance to do anything, no matter the size, the outer look, the religion, or anything else. After all, should it not be that those with the stronger courage, those with the mightier spirits and those with the more
willing hearts should not be rewarded with what they aimed for?


These iphones could be represented as how the people in the US used to treat colored-skin vs white-skinned. They were treated in an opposite way. White-skinned people were treated very respectfully, and were considered normal or high ranking people. The color-skinned people were treated in the opposite manner- they were treated like slaves, as was their ranking too. White people and black people were always 'separated' in the manner that bathrooms and water fountains were separated by skin color, and color-skinned people sat in the back of buses, while white-skinned people sat in the front, and if there was no more room to sit on the bus for a white person, then a color-skinned person had to give up their seat for the white person. The colors white and black are thretty much the same colors of how people were divided in the US at that time, and these two opposing colors could also be divided into how people are treated today. The black iphone would represent those who are judged how Susan Boyle was, those who are not encouraged to live up to their dreams, those who seem to old or too religious or too fat to be ableto do what they want to. The white people are the rest, in other words, they could be called the normal people, those who can live up to their dreams, or the judgers themselves. This image is an example of how we categorize people, and how we judge them. This way of treating people is almost the same as how Americans used to judge people by their skin tone, except that it's WORSE.